Cartooning for Training & Presenting
How to Make Ideas Memorable with Images & Symbols
One-Day Masterclass for Trainers, Teachers & Facilitators
Workshop participants learn to turn concepts into memorable pictures
This workshop is ideally suited to trainers, facilitators, lecturers, presenters, teachers and coaches. In fact anyone who is involved with helping others to learn or facilitating group work of any kind will find this practical workshop to be immediately applicable.
You may not believe this yet – but no drawing experience is required for success on the workshop.
Participants learn to draw cartoon faces with varied expressions
Experience the magic of ‘live’ drawing.
- Something special happens when you draw an idea in front of a group. Their attention and curiosity is captured and they are easily able to absorb your ideas and information.
- In terms of memory, there is a huge difference between seeing a pre-prepared picture and seeing it created before your very eyes.
- Learn to draw simple graphics to make learning memorable. In this workshop you will learn to draw simple images including cartoon-style pictures that will help you to bring ideas to life and make messages memorable.
- With Graham’s easy-to-learn step-by-step approach, you will soon be drawing great graphics.
- The sessions are practical and fun with plenty of opportunity to apply your skills.
- By the end of the workshop you will have discovered talents you may never have known you had. You will be able to use your skills immediately to enhance training sessions, facilitated sessions and all kind of learning experiences.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this workshop you will be able to:
- Draw a range of simple cartoons and symbols to make learning more effective
- Use images in numerous ways to make ideas memorable when presenting
- Apply the skills when recording ideas as a facilitator
- Inspire groups to express their ideas visually in maps flow-charts and diagrams
- Amaze and delight groups with the impressive power of a quick sketch
- Grab the attention of people and a create a resourceful learning state
- Use graphics to enhance the process of setting learning activities in training
- Create metaphors that relate to topics being discussed or studied
- Incorporate cartoons into handouts and electronic presentations
- Apply cartooning to improve study skills and revision techniques – for self and others
- ‘Jazz up’ flipcharts to create an attractive and welcoming learning environment
- Use cartooning as a group energiser exercise
- Add humour and creativity to training and teaching

A quick sketch is enough to make an idea memorable
“This workshop enables you to draw like you never thought you could. In a world where so much training is just stand and talk, you will be able to enjoy the audience reaction to your skills and bring your messages to life so they last longer. Don’t be put off if you think you can’t draw. This workshop will show you what you can do and you will be pleasantly surprised! It helps the delegate enjoy the learning more and absorb and remember the messages quicker. What more could they want?”
Kosta Christofi - Training Relationship Manager, HSBC Bank plc
Simple sketches make ideas and information stay in the memory
"This course opened a talent box in my brain that I did not know existed. For me the experience was like discovering that I can draw and express my ideas in a visual way. This is something I never thought I could do. I am not talented in drawing, but this workshop proved to me that I have this gift, but I did not know.”
Dr Magdi Saad – Laboratory Alliance and Bio-safety World Health Organisation, Geneva